Our Services

Thin Film Service is pleased to offer superior coating processes and services in addition to our custom vacuum coating deposition systems. Our services include consulting and developing a process that will exceed your expectations and assure a competitive advantage. Our experience includes tribological coatings, optical, semiconductor, display, medical and coatings for the solar industry.
Don’t see the solution to your unique operational challenge here? Please ask! Our library of solutions and experience extends beyond what is on website and is constantly evolving.
Engineering Collaboration
We collaborate with clients to offer products created for their unique operating environment and production requirements if our standard products are not covering their needs. Some of our clients’ most significant successes have been achieved as a result of these collaborations.
At Thin Film Service, we employ cutting-edge technology and application techniques to create optimal coating performance. This facilitates continuous processing, avoiding extended periods of downtime.
If you have any unique challenges with your coating system, contact us for a customized solution.

Field & Equipment Service
We are dedicated to keeping your equipment operational, and to that end, we provide phone and email support Monday through Saturday, 5am-7pm PST. We also offer optional on-site support for on-demand service, preventative maintenance, leak detection and training.
Training and Service Agreements
We offer service agreements and maintenance training as a cost-effective solution to ensure operational performance. We offer various levels of agreements, including: Preventative Maintenance, Repair, Calibration and Training.