OPTIKA+™ High-End Optics Coater

Our most advanced DLC optics coater

Thin Film Service’s OPTIKA+ is our most advanced optical DLC coater system, delivering ultra-dense DLC in a low-pressure, ultra-clean environment. It eliminates contaminants and pinholes while producing MWIR, LWIR wear- and corrosion-resistant layers with rapid pump-down times.

It supports a variety of substrates and substrate holders, including planetary systems to maximize uniformity. Its vertical orientation guarantees a pinhole-free film for both PVD layers, including but not limited to Ge, Yttrium and Si and PECVD DLC layers, by eliminating “landing zones” for seeds that are pinhole initiation sites.

Suitable substrates include Ge, Si, ZnS, ZnSe, and chalcogenide.

Special advantages:

  • Ultra-dense optical DLC coatings
  • Ultra-clean coating: Eliminates contaminants and pinholes
  • Supports a broad range of substrates
  • Rapid pump-down times